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Ku-ring-gai Netball Association (KNA) initiated its first netball competition season in 1969 with 520 players. Today, KNA is recognised as one of the leading associations on the North Shore. Its membership numbers have grown to include 18 clubs (comprising of over 3,600 numbers drawn from the Ku-ring-gai/Hornsby region) that compete in the Saturday competition at the Canoon Road courts and over 540 players from 11 clubs, competing in the Spring Competition at Lofberg Road, Pymble. Every Saturday during the season, a loyal spectator base of around 5,000 parents, siblings and extended family members turn out to cheer on their teams.

KNA has a commitment to the community and offers the sport to:

  • NetSetGo! - 5-9 year olds

  • Junior - 10-12 year olds

  • Intermediate - 13-14 year olds

  • Cadet - 15-17 year olds

  • Senior - 17+ years

  • All Abilities (AA)

Our Association

Training & Game Day Locations

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